Thursday, December 1, 2011

How to Make a Pen Gun

For those of you who don't have the springs set I have strongly recommended, this is a simple pen mod that is simple and very popular.  Again, you must have basic knowledge of how to disassemble a bic pen.

Tools of the Trade
1 (or 2) Rubber band(s)
Duct tape
Disposable bic pen

Step 1: Disassemble the bic pen.
If you read other posts, this should be nothing new.
Step 2: Attach rubber band.
You can do this by either cutting the rubber band and taping the free ends to the sides of the pen to look nicer, or you can just take the rubber band and tape it to the pen.  But you must have some part of the rubber band covering the open end of the pen.
Complete! To fire, just load an ink cartridge and pull back on the rubber band. I told you that was simple.